السيرة الذاتية / CV
التخصص خط / Calligraphy

عبير العيداني
مهندسه ميكانيك و فنانه تشكيليه من العراق ومقيمه في دبي حاصله على جائزه افضل فنانه تشكيليه ( she artist ) وجائزه نون للفنون ، وكذلك جائزه افضل مدربه فنون( BeingShe art instructor ) في الامارات , مؤخراً تم حصولها على المركز الاول في مسابقه فنيه ( الفن عبر الأوراق النقديه ) والتي اطلقها بنك الامارات المركزي وبالتعاون مع وزاره الثقافه والشباب , عضوه في جمعيه الامارات للفنون التشكيليه، من انجازاتها المهمه عرض اعمالها في اكبر حدث لسنه ٢٠٢٣ وهو اكسبو دبي حيث تم عرض اعمال لها في جناح الامم المتحده وجناح دوله الامارات العربيه المتحده .
شاركت بمخيم الفن اندورا التابع لليونسكو وبتنظيم من جامعه عجمان والناتج كان عملين من اعمالها ، احدهما اصبح من مقتنيات مكتب اليونسكو .
لديها عدد من الاعمال المقتناه ومن اهمها اقتناء عملها من قبل مكتب الامم المتحده في ابو ظبي ، كذلك لديها اعمال معروضه في روما ايطاليا وفي كوريا الجنوبيه .
دخل اسمها مؤخراً ضمن موسوعه غينيس للارقام القياسية بمشاركتها مع اكثر من ٦٥ فنان وفنانه من جنسيات مختلفه في حصه رسم لمده نصف ساعه ، حريصه على دعم المواهب الشابه و الاستفاده من موهبتها في دعم الاطفال الايتام والمحتاجين حيث قامت بعمل ورشه فنيه في بنغلاديش واخرى في بغداد من خلال رسم اهداف التنميه المستدامه للامم المتحده .
شاركت في مؤتمر الأطراف cop 28 بعده اعمال في المنطقه الزرقاء والمنطقه الخضراء واهمها عمل نحتي تم عرضه في بوابه الاستدامة لاكسبو .
Abeer Al-Edani
Abeer is an Iraqi Award-winning artist based in Dubai. Despite holding a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Basra University, Abeer’s passion for art led her to embark on a self-taught journey, a testament to her versatility and determination. A self-taught Artist inspired by her attraction to her home country’s culture, customs, women, happiness, and suffering, she has attained “A Free Portrait Certificate” attested by KHDA in the UAE. Her work is also influenced by her native country’s artistic style, Bagdadiat, which plays a massive part in her artistic journey. Abeer’s artworks have not only graced several regional galleries in the UAE but have also garnered international recognition, being showcased in museums in Italy and South Korea. She had the honor to exhibit her works at reputable institutions and events such Expo Dubai 2020, with her works now acquired as part of the UN’s art collection. This a testament to the global appeal of her art. She has won various awards, most recently an Award from Film Fare Magazine for Outstanding Contribution in Art & Culture 2024. She has also won Best Art Instructor 2023 from Being She, a global women’s organization dedicated to advancing women’s empowerment, and The People’s Choice Award at The Noon Arts Award in 2020, organized by The Sharjah Ladies Club. She has been nominated for awards, including the Global Art Award 2019 and awarded She Artist of the year 2020 by She Awards Dubai. Selected as the sole representative of her home country in various exhibitions organized by Zee Arts from 2019 – 2023 amongst other international female artists. Sharjah Museums Authority (2020) chose her for the ‘Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion’ catalog, published in 2020. She has participated in several festivals, such as the Ras Al Khaimah festival and the Al Murbaa festival in Ajman. She has participated in Art Camp Andorra at Ajman University, which is considered the first art camp in the Arab region and is organized by UNESCO.